2010年度7月7日「モバイル英語学習」第47号(英語学習法): What a Load of Globish!‏

what a load of ~! ~は何てやっかいなんだ!
Globish グロービッシュ(Global Englishからの合成語。特に英語が母国語でない人々のために、語彙数を制限し、基本的構文だけ用いて考案された簡単な英語 );
Pidgin English ピジン英語(東南アジアや南西太平洋諸国で使われている英語と現地語の混成語);
put up with ~を我慢する;
Some of you may have seen an article in the June edition of Newsweek about a new language called Globish. It is an easier version of standard English and is a response to the changing demands of a global economy. Globish is not ‘pidgin’ or ‘broken’ English but it is highly simplified with no idioms. So instead of saying “I would never put up with that behaviour” Globish translates as “He should not do such a thing.” Globish fans say English takes 24 years to learn – if you study for 20 hours a year. Whereas, Globish, which has a vocabulary of 1,500 words, takes just 9 years to learn. Personally, I don’t think we need another language! (by Prof. Simon Smith)