2012年1月6日「モバイル英語学習」第131号(エッセイ): Who Works the Hardest?

Notes :
OECD 経済協力開発機構;
‘Society at a Glance’『図表でみる社会』(OECDの報告書);
rate ~を評価する,見積もる;
unpaid 無給の,無報酬の;
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) publication ‘Society at a Glance’ shows who works the longest among the 26 OECD members. They rated work according to 2 types: unpaid and paid. According to the study Mexicans work the longest, at 595 minutes or 9 hours 55 minutes per day, but a lot of that is unpaid work such as cooking at home, cleaning, shopping, etc. If you look at who does the most paid work then it is the Japanese! (by Prof. Simon Smith)