2023年8月5日「モバイル英語学習」第792号 ( 英語のなぞなぞ): I can fly but I am not a bird. I can swim but I am not a fish. What am I?

Riddle 1: I can fly but I am not a bird. I can swim but I am not a fish. What am I?
Answer: Mail (It travels by air and sea, but it’s not a bird or a fish).

Riddle 2: I am born at night and die at day. The stronger the wind, the weaker I get. What am I?
Answer: A candle flame (It’s often lit at night and goes out by day, and wind makes it weaker).

Riddle 3: I have keys but no locks. I have walls but no rooms. What am I?
Answer: A piano (It has many keys but no locks, and the keys are like walls but there are no rooms)