2024年7月15日「モバイル英語学習」第835号 (英語のエッセイ): France’s National Day: Drones and Fireworks Light Up Paris

National Day 国家記念日;
Bastille prison バスティーユ牢獄. 1789年、7月14日、国民議会を支持したパリ市民がバスティーユ牢獄襲撃.フランス革命の発端となった。フランス革命のはじまりの日とされる;
Eiffel Tower エッフェル塔;
motto 標語;
smoothly 順調に;

July 14th is France’s National Day. It celebrates the day in 1789 when people took over the Bastille prison, ending the king’s rule. Since 1880, the French have celebrated this day every year. This year’s celebration was special because the Summer Olympics will be in Paris.

On July 14th, there was a fantastic celebration near the Eiffel Tower. It featured 1,100 drones and fireworks. The drones made impressive shapes in the sky, like the motto of Paris and an athlete with the Olympic flame. This show was unique because it mixed traditional fireworks with new drone technology. There was no live audience because they are preparing the area for the Olympics.

The event also had the traditional military parade, but it was moved to a different street. The Olympic flame began its journey through Paris, visiting famous places like the Sacré-Cœur and Moulin Rouge. This celebration was a practice run for the Summer Olympics to ensure everything goes smoothly and safely.

2024年7月10日「モバイル英語学習」第834号 (英語のエッセイ): New Japanese Banknotes Issued on July 3, 2024

banknote 紙幣, 銀行券;
portrait 肖像;
featured 描かれる;
tetanus 破傷風;
numeral 数字;

Japan has new banknotes for the first time in 20 years. The portraits on the new bills have changed: The ¥10,000 bill now features Eiichi Shibusawa, known as the “father of Japanese capitalism.” He was a business leader who helped start about 500 companies and organizations. The ¥5,000 bill now features Umeko Tsuda, a pioneer for women’s education in Japan. She started a women’s college called Joshi Eigaku Juku (now Tsuda University) and was one of the first female students sent to the U.S. by the Japanese government. The ¥1,000 bill now features Shibasaburo Kitasato, who found a way to treat tetanus and discovered the plague bacillus. He also started the Institute for Infectious Diseases and the Kitasato Institute.
The new banknotes have larger Western numerals in the center to make them easier for tourists to recognize.

Many people are happy about the new banknotes, but some businesses are worried. They need to update ATMs, vending machines, and other equipment, which may cost a lot of money.