2023年1月7日「モバイル英語学習」第766号 ( 英語エッセイ ): Good News from Last Year

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Traffic accidents are always bad news, but in the last ten years, there has been some good news. The number of people who die in traffic accidents in Japan has been going down. In 2012, there were 4438 deaths, but by 2022, the number of deaths had dropped to 2610. The government hopes that there will be fewer than 2000 deaths by 2025. Why are the number of deaths going down? According to the government, there are many reasons. Drivers are being more careful and watching out for children and senior citizens. People are not drinking and driving, and cyclists are obeying the rules. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

2022年5月2日「モバイル英語学習」第737号 (英語エッセイ): Thank You, Golden Week Workers!

The long holidays are here! For some lucky people, Golden Week lasts more than a week. Others just get four holidays off. But many people have to work over Golden Week. Garbage collectors are coming by my house today and on Thursday to pick up the garbage. Transportation workers keep the subways, buses, trains, and planes running so that we can go anywhere we want to. Cashiers and stock clerks keep the supermarkets open so that we can buy food any day, and convenience store clerks keep their stores open 24/7. For those on holiday, enjoy yourselves, but for those who are working, thank you! (by Prof. Douglas)