2023年2月12日「モバイル英語学習」第771号 ( 英語ストーリー ): Fish Burger (Part 1)

rocky shore 岩礁;
chime チャイム[ひと組の鐘]が鳴る;
chirp チューチュー[チーチー]鳴く;
yell 叫び声をあげる、大声で叫ぶ;

“See anything?” the father yelled from his truck. His son had ran toward the pond as soon as they had arrived. Standing on the rocky shore, the son stared into the dark blue water. Sounds of birds and bugs chimed and chirped all around him. The surrounding nature seemed very excited and alive on this sunny spring afternoon.

“There are fish here!” the boy answered excitedly. The father continued unpacking the fishing poles and gear from his truck. It had many years since he had last gone fishing.

“Hey Dad, you should see this,” the boy said. “There’s a fish here with a really large head!” he continued. “A fish with a large head?” the father thought, “What could that be?”

“What do you think it is?” the father yelled back as he finished unloading the gear.

Though the sounds from the trees were loud, his son’s silence seemed louder. “Hey, son!” the father yelled again, as he began to walk toward the pond. “Where did you go?” he asked repeatedly.(to be continued. By Prof. Michael Okamoto)