2024年8月17日「モバイル英語学習」第839号 (英語のエッセイ): Most Expensive License Plates in the World!

status – 地位、身分(社会における人々の立場や評価)
availability – 入手可能性(物が利用できる状態)
investments – 投資
Lamborghini cars -ランボルギーニは、イタリアの高級スポーツカーブランドで、高性能と独自性で知られています。
single-digit plates worth millions of dollars -一桁のナンバープレートは数百万ドルの価値がある
In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), people love buying special license plates, and the market is booming. In 2008, someone spent $14.5 million to buy a license plate with the number “1,” which costs as much as 36 Lamborghini cars. UAE license plates can have up to five digits, and lower numbers mean more status. Right now, all ten of the world’s most expensive license plates are from the UAE, with single-digit plates worth millions of dollars. This shows there are many rich people in the area, but not many ways to show off their wealth. Because they are easy to buy and sell, license plates are also seen as investments. Since there are only nine single-digit plates, their limited availability makes the price go up. It is said that the value of the “1” plate has almost doubled.