2015年5月3日「モバイル英語学習」第 293号(エッセイ ): Stray Cats

stray 〈動物など〉迷い出た,道に迷った,はぐれた;
wander 動( 副(句)) (あてもなく)歩き回る,さまよう; 放浪[流浪]する;
bushes  低木,灌(かん)木;
wonder 不思議に思う,驚く;
used to 以前は…だった;
When I was leaving the parking lot of a university, I saw a cat wandering on campus. I stopped my car and tried to take a photo of her, but I couldn’t. As soon as she saw me, she ran into the bushes. As is usual with cats, she watched me from the bushes. I wondered why cats watch people after they run away. I could only see her eyes through the bushes. I hope the Daigaku Neko club will be able to take care of her. There used to be a lot of cats on campus about 10 years ago. Then this club started and found homes for many of the cats. (written by a reader, edited by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)