2014年2月16日「モバイル英語学習」第228号(エッセイ ): The First Day On The Job

vividly 鮮やかに;
explode 爆発;
scold 叱る;
It’s always tough when you start a new job. I’ve been working in a restaurant as a waitress for 2 years, but I still remember the first day of work vividly. There were so many things to learn that It made my brain feel like it was exploding. I made a lot of mistakes, I cannot remember how many times I got scolded by my boss. However, there were also a great number of things that made me happy and kept me going. Now, I’m hugely glad to have this part-time job. I believe all these experiences will help me in my future career. (written by student Miss Ayano Ito, edited by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)