2012年6月8日「モバイル英語学習」第158号(エッセイ ): Aspirin: A Miracle Drug?

the Spanish Flu Epidemic スペイン風邪の(世界的)流行;
Researchers have found that taking an aspirin a day may help reduce the chance of getting cancer. Aspirin, it seems, has proved one of the most remarkable drugs of the Twentieth century. A French chemist, Charles Gerhardt was the first to use the drug in 1853 which later became one of the most popular drugs of the last century. The popularity of aspirin grew over the first half of the 20th century after many people used it in the Spanish Flu Epidemic in 1918 which killed over 50 million people. Today it continues to be seen as the best remedy from headaches to major diseases. The word “aspirin” is well-known in Australia, France, the United Kingdom and the United States. Is it a word known to most Japanese?(by Prof. Simon Smith)