2021年1月11日「モバイル英語学習」第683号 (英語のエッセイ): Be a Thoughtful Reader

thoughtful 考え込んだ、思いやりのある;
contain 含む
Predicting, skimming, scanning, and careful reading are four reading strategies. However, you also need to think about what you are reading. When you read thoughtfully, you ask yourself questions like these:
• What kind of text is this? Is it from a textbook, a magazine, or a website?
• Who wrote it? What do I know about this writer?
• Why is the writer telling me this?
• Is the writer giving facts, or does the text present the writer’s personal opinion?
• Can I trust the information contained in the text?
• How does this text compare to other things I have learned about the subject?
• How does it compare to my own experiences of the subject?
Answering questions like this will help you to become a more thoughtful reader. (by Tania Pattison)