“2017年11月4日「モバイル英語学習」第422号(小学校英語教育): HRT/ALT Teacher’s Room

Showing the ALT the Teachers’ Room


① Listen to the conversation and read along silently.
② Now take the part of the homeroom teacher while listening to the conversation.
③ Now listen to the conversation and take the part of the ALT.

HRT When you enter the school, take your shoes off and put on these slippers.
ALT Oh, they are too small for me.
HRT I’m sorry, but we don’t have anything bigger.
ALT Can I bring my own?
HRT Yes, but could you use these slippers today?
ALT Okay.
HRT I’ll show you the teachers’ room. Come this way.
(sound of walking, door opens)
This is the teachers’ room.
ALT Should I come here every day?
HRT Yes. Here is your desk.
ALT Thank you. Where should I put my bag?
HRT You can use one of the lockers over there.
ALT Okay.

(a) take + off → ta koff
(b) put + on → pu ton
(c) don’t + have → don thav (the h is silent)
(d) Can + I → Ca nI
(e) come + every → co mevery
(f) desk + over → des kover
(g) one + of → o nof


(h) these + slippers → the slippers (the s in these is almost silent)

2017年8月5日「モバイル英語学習」第 416号(小学校英語教育): Not Quite English

loanwords: 外来語
original: 本来の
shorten: 短くする
The Japanese language has many loanwords from English. Sometimes they keep the original meaning, but sometimes they don’t. A “stove” in Japanese is something to heat your house with, but in American English it is something you cook food on. When loanwords are shortened, they can change their meaning entirely. My students use “pine” for pineapple, but they don’t know that a “pine” is actually a tree, not a fruit. Many loanwords for sweets come from French. “Chou a la creme” (シュークリーム) is a “cream puff,” and “marron glace”(マロンクラッセ) is a “candied chestnut.”  (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)