2017年12月1日「モバイル英語学習」第429号(英語のエッセイ): Praying for Bali

family-run cottage 家族経営の小旅館;
rice paddies 水田;
authentic 真正の
Balinese バリ島住民の
I went to Bali two years ago. I stayed at a family-run cottage in Ubud, which is famous for its art and rice paddies. There was a small temple for the family at the cottage, and it was fascinating to watch the owner’s Mom praying there every morning. She took me to a morning market to buy something fresh. This gave me an idea of real Balinese life. Her son took me to a restaurant with a view of Mt. Agung where I could enjoy authentic Bali food. I liked the peaceful atmosphere of Bali, and I hope the eruption will end soon. I am praying for the safety of Bali. (by a reader, edited by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)