2022年6月30日「モバイル英語学習」第744号 (英語ストーリー): The slave who ran away from his master (Part 2)

spring (ばねのように急にすばやく)跳ぶ;
crouch かがむ;

When all was ready a door in the cage was opened, and out bounded the lion ready to spring upon the poor slave. With a tremendous roar the lion dashed toward him, but to the surprise of all the people, instead of hurting him, the lion crouched down at his feet like a pet dog and began to lick the slave’s hands and feet. The people cried, “O Androcles, what does this mean?” Then Androcles put his arms around the lion’s neck and said, “O people, in the forest I pulled a thorn out of this lion’s foot, and that is why he does not hurt me now.” The people were delighted and shouted, “Androcles shall be free! Androcles shall be free!” So Androcles and the lion were set free and lived togethe like brothers long afterward. (From The Project Gutenberg EBook of World Stories Retold for Modern Boys and Girls, by William James Sly)