2024年7月30日「モバイル英語学習」第837号 (英語ストーリー): The Farmer And The Snake

fireplace 暖炉;
thaw 解ける;
poisonous fangs 毒牙;
venom 毒;
wicked 邪悪な;

One winter day, a kind-hearted farmer found a snake lying in the snow. It was nearly frozen to death. Feeling pity, the farmer picked it up and decided to help. He carried the snake home and placed it near the fireplace to warm up.

As the snake began to thaw, it slowly regained its strength. The farmer was happy to see the snake recovering and felt proud of his good deed. But then, as soon as the snake was fully warmed, it bit the farmer’s hand with its poisonous fangs.

Shocked and in pain, the farmer realized his mistake. He fell to the ground, his body growing weak from the venom. With his last breath, he said, “I should have known better than to trust a snake. Kindness to the wicked can only lead to harm.”

So, remember, helping those who are naturally harmful can bring danger to you.