2010度5月24日「モバイル英語学習」第28号(エッセイ):The Bookworm

bookworm 本の虫、読書家;
I fear that…(~ではないかと)心配する、不安になる;
complain that…(~だと) 不満を言う;
be bored 退屈している;
avid 熱心な;
For me there is nothing better than a good book; in fact, given the choice between food and a book, I fear that I would choose to starve. Looking back I wish I had read when I was young – I certainly had more time then. To make matters worse I was always complaining that I was bored to my parents. Now I realise that I need not have been bored at all! So it makes me feel good to see people reading, especially kids, because I know that they have found something amazing. I have a daughter; she is only three so it is too early to say whether she will become an avid reader or not, but the signs are good. She loves to be read to, and so we read every day together. My dream is that one day she will read books by herself and we can go to the library and read all day until our eyes hurt and we have to go home. (by Prof. Simon Smith)